nitocris reine d egypte

Nitocris — Wikipédia. Nitocris (ou Nitokris, nom grec, ou Neithikerty, nom égyptien) est une reine semi-légendaire de la VI dynastie. Elle serait, selon la tradition, la première femme « pharaon » (roi de Haute et Basse-Égypte) dans l'Histoire de l'Égypte antique . Certains égyptologues, dont Joyce Anne Tyldesley, pensent. See more

Nitocris — Wikipédia
Nitocris — Wikipédia from

• Two letters in the name are transposed in Bolesław Prus' 1895 historical novel Pharaoh, where "Nikotris" appears as the mother of the protagonist, Pharaoh "Ramses XIII" (there were only eleven pharaohs of that name).• The Queen's Enemies, a play by Lord Dunsany, is based upon Herodotus' account of Nitocris' murderous activities.

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